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Artist - The Kortrijk Percusssion Project


The Kortrijk Percusssion Project
The Kortrijk Percusssion Project [FMRCD88]

For this brand new project Dirk Wachtelaer chose two other musicians who he knew of and respected, but had not worked with directly before. By coincidence both were British Percussionists, but players with subtly different styles and approaches. There was however a tentative link between them all, in that all three of these musicians have a love of sound sculpture and experimental musical instruments as well as percussion. Wachtelaer's idea was to engage his live electronic percussion and machine samples (which included the sounds of Pierre Bastien and Derek Shiel) with the beautiful hand crafted sound sculptures made and played by Steve Hubback and Trevor Taylors percussion sound sculptures created by the famous Baschet Brothers (Les Sculptures Sonores). For one week the ensemble rehearsed the material, before travelling to a studio in Antwerp to record parts of it, and finally performed the premiere of the music in kortrijk on friday 28th November 2001.

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